Video On Demand Services

It's easy It's immediate

Streamingfilz’s premium video hosting service provides a solution for both live and previously recorded, on demand streaming content. The platform provides a variety of features and tools to make video on demand a key component of the system, including support for stream archiving, mobile broadcasting and rich monetization features provided out of the box.

NO Contract • NO long setup process • NO need to prove audience size
NO geographic restrictions • NO additional fees for other payment options

On Demand Streaming

On Demand video streaming is a great way of getting your content to many viewers across many countries. Streaming video is no longer only accessible by a few people. Today, many devices are connected to the Internet which allows anyone to view videos online. It comes with prestige and a feeling of exclusivity, knowing someone is among the first to witness it. However, sometimes live coverage just can’t capture all of a desired audience. Different time zones, conflicts in schedules, and other issues are barriers to people enjoying live streaming content.

StreamingFilz presents a simple solution to this problem: host it live and host it on demand. This allows users to view events as they happen, but also allows others who are unavailable to view the broadcast later.